• The general Selection Problem is to find the order statistic for any value of
  • We can still get a asymptotic runtime of )!


  • A divide and conquer algorithm modeled after quicksort.
    • Unlike quicksort that works on both sides of the partition. Randomized-Select works on only one side of the partition.
    • That is why Randomized-Select is assuming the elements are distinct.
      • That is the expected runtime but the worst case runtime is
  • It uses the procedure Randomized-Partition
  • Randomized algorithms are called “Randomized” because a part of the algorithm relies on the output of a random-number generator.

Randomized-Select - returns the smallest element of the array , where


Python Code:

def Randomized_Select(A,p,r,i):
	# Is the sub-array size 1?
	if p == r:
		return A[p]
	# Finding our new pivot (A[q]) with randomized partition
	q = Randomized_Partition(A,p,r)
	k = q - p + 1 # Computes the number of elemets in the subarray A[p:q]
	# That's the same as the number of elements in the low side of the partition
	if i == k: # Is A[q] the ith smallest element?
		return A[q]
	# If not then which subarray does the ith smallest element lie?
	elif i < k:
		return Randomized_Select(A,p,q-1,i)
		return Randomized_Select(A,q+1, r, i-k)

Visual from Intro to algorithms book: